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Order code: INTELIPRO
InteliPro is a highly flexible mains decoupling relay with an extensive range of protective functions to meet the strictest utility interconnection requirements. This utility protection controller can be used for various distributed generation applications, cogeneration units, renewable energy sources or as a redundant/back-up protection for gen-sets.
Compliant with international grid codes: G99, G10, G83 and IEEE1547 and VDE-AR-N 4105
English (26 Jan 2023)
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(26 Jan 2023)
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(24 Feb 2023)
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English (25 Jan 2023)
English (25 Jan 2023)
English (24 Feb 2023)
English (26 Jan 2023)
English (25 Jan 2023)
English (26 Jan 2023)
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English (26 Jan 2023)
The software keys below provide access to extended features that enhance the work and capabilities of ComAp's InteliPro mains Protections device.
Item order code | Extended feature | Feature description |
IPRO-25 | ANSI 25 - Synchro check | Checks the voltage upstream and downstream of a circuit breaker and allows closing when the differences are within the tolerance limits programmed within device. |
IPRO-32 | ANSI 32P | Provides reverse active power protection by operating on pre-determined value of power flow in a given direction. |
IPRO-51V | ANSI 51V – Voltage restrained overcurrent | Phase-to-phase short circuit protection. |
IPRO-59N | ANSI 59N - Neutral voltage displacement | Detection of insulation faults by measuring residual voltage in isolated neutral systems. |
IPRO-67 | ANSI 67 - AC directional overcurrent | Phase-to-phase short-circuit protection where tripping can be designated according to fault current direction. |
IPRO-78 | ANSI 78 - Vector shift | Phase angle measuring between a pre-determined phase and between two voltages, two currents or between voltage and current. |
IPRO-78PS | ANSI 78PS - Pole Slip | Protection against loss of synchronism on synchronous machines based on calculated active power. |
IPRO-79 | ANSI 79 - AC reclosing relay | Automated device that limits down time after tripping due to transient or semi-permanent faults by reclosing after programmed time delay. |
IPRO-81R | ANSI 81R - Rate of change frequency and filter | Protection function used for the fast disconnection of a generator or load if the calculated frequency variation is outside the tolerance limits programmed within the device. |
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